The most frustrating part of teaching Globaloria is the technological issues. We have experiences so many issues this year including losing files, inability to save files, inability to open files, difficulty viewing .swf files, disappearing programs, and many other issues. Just think about spend 3 class periods developing a flash file and you upload it to the wiki. You try to imbed it the next day and the file is corrupt and won't open. Now remember you cannot save it on the computer or flash drive because the network is having issues. Now remember you have hopped from computer to computer to find one with CS5 installed. Now remember it takes 15 minutes to log on (if the login is actually working). I think you get the idea.......ughhhhhhhhhh
You forgot about the internet being down altogether. That has happened to us three entire days in the last few weeks! Twice the internet was down for every business in town who had the same ISP. We just worked in Flash and did the best we could. It is a good thing that the course schedule is so FLEXIBLE!